Validation of total ozone data between satellite and ground-based measurements at Zhongshan and Syow
介绍的新型地基大气廓线微波探测仪样机,对进口并普遍使用的MP3000地基大气探测仪进行了结构创新,采用温度廓线测量的V波段(50~59 ......
TRMM卫星上的测雨雷达(TRMM PR)探测资料分布均匀且具有很高的垂直分辨率,但灵敏度较低;地基雷达(GR)水平分辨率较高且具有较高的灵敏......
The Meridian Project is a ground- based network program to monitor solar-terrestrial space environment, which consists o......
Gully erosion can account for significant volumes of sediment exiting agricultural landscapes, but is difficult to monit......
To develop an understanding of near-Earth space’s response to solar activities and the coupling among different layers ......
Ground-based synthetic aperture radar(GB-SAR) has been successfully applied to the ground deformation monitoring.However......
Because of rich solar resource and low land cost, a lot of large-scale ground-based grid-connected PV systems have been ......
The Earth is buffered from the ferocious onslaught of the solar wind by a thin layer of matter known as the atmosphere a......
The Chinese Meridian Project is a ground-based space environment monitoring network,which is constructed in two steps.Th......